Thursday, February 23, 2012

30 Days of The Hunger Games - Day 1

The countdown to the premiere of The Hunger Games movie began a long time ago.

Jumping onto the trilogy bandwagon, for the next 30 days I will be posting (maybe two posts a day) about The Hunger Games

Each post will include a question about the characters, the plot, and your thoughts about the whole series. 

My answer to the question will also be included. 

And of course, I invite everyone to join in on the fun!

So, let's start.....NOW 

Day 1: Who is your favorite character? 

My answer: Katniss Everdeen. I like her because she's strong and resilient. She is also very clever. She's a survivor. She's a hunter and she can be pretty lethal. I like this about her because I don't think it's something I can ever do. So, it's interesting to me. 

Also, she will do anything to protect the people she cares about. That's always admirable.

It's obvious that Katniss is not perfect, I like that. It makes her more like any human being. She makes mistakes and that's natural. It's believable and readers can relate to that.

Throughout the trilogy, we see her grow up, changed by her experiences. It wasn't easy for her but she thrives.

So, who is your favorite character? What do you think about The Hunger Games? Are you excited about the movie?

Leave a comment and/or your link to your post on 30 Days of The Hunger Games because I would want to read that! Thanks. 



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